The Northern positions

The Northern positions for infantry were build to reinforce some gaps between the northern fortifications.

The Dyrehave position

The lack of fortifications in the area east of the Fortun Fort quickly became known to the general public as the “The gap in the Northern Front”.
As early as in the summer of 1893, engineer troops soldiers constructed some an earth works on the southern part of the Præstesletten south of the Hermitage castle in the Dyrehaven.
(The Præsteslette Redoubt).
The redoubt work was built by 250 men during 2 weeks as an excercise, and was meant to accommodate 300 men.

In 1895, two additional small batteries was built, also as exercise work.
However, this was for the time being not possible to close the gap further as the settlement between the Left and the Right parties in 1894, established that the land fortification wasn’t allowed to be expanded.

Private Funding

A Danish Army Captain organized a new private collection “The Defense Collection of 1913” under the prospect of an impending war.
During a few months approx. half a million kroner was collectwed, and at the turn of the year 1912/1913 they went to the king and offered him a fort located in the Dyrehaven.
The king, however, sent them to the Minister of Defense, who was not enthusiastic about such a gift.
Politics made it impossible.

Parliamentary elections and the outbreak of World War I in 1914, changed the situation and the gift was received by the new Secretary of Defense P. Munch.
Despite of the parliamentary resolution, the radical minister also accepted concrete construction in the field fortified position.
The permissions from the Minister of Defense to build the concrete structures was, however, conditional on the facilities either were to be blown up or covered with earth after the war.

The Position

The Dyrehave position was then constructed and streched from The Fortun Fort,  over the Præstesletten, passing the Taarbæk Fort to the Øresund.
It was a complete field position consisting of batteries for the artillery, command stations, five double flanking caponieres, trenches with barbed wire barriers in front and eight bunkers for a 100 men each. Furthermore, a larger field of wood was removed from the Fortunens Indelukke,  to secure the Fortun Fort to be able to observe and fire against the area around the Hermitage castle.

The Dyrehave position was meant to prevent a hostile intrusion through the Dyrehave forrest to the northern edge of the Northern Flood.
The double caponieres were supposed to illuminate and flank the barbed wire barriers.
Several of the double caponies were armed with 75 mm. cannons. To support the double caponieres, a number of small bunkers with supplementary machineguns were constructed.

The Baunehøj Position

The position was built in 1914 northeast of Lyngby, at the Baunehöj, the highest point on the Lundtoftesletten. Therefore the position also is referred to as the Lundtofte position.
It was expanded several times, and gradually it became a fairly large contiguous field position.
Fully developed, it consisted of three lines:

One line from the Fortun Fort and west to the Baunehøj and from here south to the Fortress Channel a little east of Lyngby. (This was the original line)

One line from Fortun Fort and south to the Ermelunden,

One line from the Baunehøj to the west to the Furesøen (lake) a little north of Frederiksdal.

The Baunehøj position in particular, was specially fortified. It was located in an area, to which the surrounding forts had no visibility. Therefore they were not able to observe an advancing enemy.

The Baunehøj position consisted of three large bunkers, able to accommodate 250 men. In addition, there were five small caponiers, from which it was possible to illuminate and flank the barbed wire barriers.

The position was closed down in 1919.  The last remains of the position was removed in connection with the building of the Technical University of Denmark.

The vintapper position

In 1914, a smaller field fortified position was also built on both sides of the railway line northwest of the Gentofte railway station.
The position consisted of barbed wire fences, trenches, field batteries and concrete bunkers.
It was constructed to block off enemy intrusion between the Lyngbyfort and the Garderhöj Fort.

The Hovmark position

The Construction began in 1912 and was completed in 1914.

The purpose of the prepared floods was to prevent enemy advance towards Copenhagen from the north. The flood, however, had one series of weak points that could be used by an advancing enemy.

These weaknesses were the dams that controlled the flood and the bridges.  A number of more or less permanent positions and works were constructed, to  compensate for these weaknesses.

The main task of the Hovmark position was to prevent the enemy from crossing dam no. 1.
It consisted of two concrete buildings containing machineguns and floodlights for night combat.
In connection with the First World War, the position was expanded. Some field fortifications consisting of trenches and barriers of barbed wire were constructed.
The battery was equipped with an unknown number of machineguns.

The line was abandoned in 1919.

One caponiere still exists, located in a private garden.