The Lyngby Fort

The Lyngby Fort was build during the years 1887 to 1892. it is situated south of Lyngby.

The Fort is like most og the forts triangle-shaped with casemates and a dry moat.

It was armed with four long 15 cm. cannons in pairs in armored towers.
There were three short 15 cm. cannons, two 75 mm. quick firing cannons and one machinegun in disappearance turrets.
For the flanking of the dry moat and the throat there were four 47 mm. guns, six 8 mm mitrailleuses and eight 8 mm machineguns in the caponieres.

The plot on which the fort is built, was purchased with private funds collected by among supporters of the fortifications. The Garderhöj Fort was built and equipped by the same collection.

The exterior 2009

The interior 2009