The Lynetten battery was built in the years 1767-1780, but was not armed until 1848.
It is an open battery with a 50 meter long face as well as an eastern flank of 120 meters and a western flank of approx. 25 meters.
The battery is located on an older landfill and wooden bulwarks. On the north and northeast side it is protected by a stone glacier.
Between the Lynetten Fort itself and The Revshale Island, there is a small harbor with concrete quays. The depth allowed motor torpedo boats to use the harbor.
In 1864 the battery was staffed with a 165 men.
The brestwork was approx. 5 meters thick, internally reinforced with a one meter thick concrete wall.
On the facade itself, there was four traverses with either ammunition magazines or accomodations built in. These are covered by 3 to 4 meters of soil and 3 to 4 meters of concrete.
The right flank ends in a 16 meter high traverse with an magazine with only one casemate. This was covered by approx. 2 meters concrete and 20 meters of soil.
The armament
In 1911 the Lynetten Battery was equipped with:
4 pcs. of 29 cm. howitzers M/1891 on the right flank
4 pcs. of 15 cm. long steel cannon L / 30, lined up with two on the left flank and two on the face
2 pcs. of 75 mm. quick firing steel cannon L / 30
3 pcs. of 47 mm. quick firing steel cannon L / 44 lined up with one on the left traverse and two on the eastern
flank outside the large traverse
2 pcs. of 8 mm. Two-barreled mitrailleuses
1 pcs. of 90 cm. floodlight
1 pcs. of 60 cm. floodlight
4 observation stations
Staffing approx. 180 men.
Efter 1959 the Lynetten battery became part of the air defense of Copenhagen with a 40 mm. AA battery.
The exterior
- Monogram of Frederik the 7th.
- Travers building
- Travers building
- The barracks
- Gun emplacement
- Gun emplacement
- Entrance to a magazine
- Emplacement for 40 mm. AA gun (The cold war)
The interior
- Entrance to a magazine
- Magazine
- Room at the 40 mm. AA battery
- Room at the 40 mm. AA battery
- Heater in 40 mm. AA crew room