The Gladsaxe Fort

The Gladsaxe Fort was constructed from 1892 to 1893.

Drawing of the Gladsaxe Fort


The Fort is in a triangle-shape with casemates and a dry moat. It is similar to the Bagsvärd Fort.

Like the Bagsvärd Fort it was armed with four 120 mm howitzers placed in armored disappearance turrets on the fort deck.
For the defense of the dry moat and the throat there was four 47 mm quick firing cannons and twelve 8 mm machineguns.
There also was two armored observation turrets.

It was in service untill 1920, when it was decommissioned.

It has been restored in the 1980’s and is one of the best preserved buildings among the triangle forts at the northern front.

The exterior 2010

The interior 2010